
Welcome to the site trying to find the truth. The purpose of this website is to get answers to questions i come across when i investigate the conspiracy's. A lot of teachers, "guru's" and passionate people are trying to tell us what is really going on in the world, and i thank everyone of them. They are doing a great en heroic job! The problems we are facing with finding the truth is that the "elite" knows this is going on and surely is infiltrating in this truth movement and is trying to lead us away from the truth again, plus nobody seems to know the whole truth. I am trying to set up some questions here where we talk about these subjects with eachother on how and where we can find these truths. Evereybody is very welcome to enter the discussion, but it has to be in a truth seeking way. It doesn't matter from what religious background you come or wat you believe. It is about the truth. Thats all that matters to me and the main reason why i started this website. Probably its handy to say where i stand in religious point of view. I don't know. I know there is something but what it is i have no clue. Thats maybe the main reason for this website. A lot of what we do is based on what we believe right. I believe in good and evil, too much prove of that for me. I also believe in "the truth will set you free", "Know your enemy" and "knowledge is power" and things like that. I have no idea if this is gonna work, but we will see. Help us help each other in finding the truth(s).

For all you truth seekers, Mark

donderdag 26 december 2013

UKIP Mr. Godfrey Bloom (Dutch NL subs)

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